Oh Craigslist. You are weird, you are wacky, and you are wonderful. Here are some of the more interesting posts from Craigslist posters in the Louisville area this past week. Enjoy!
Laundry Lovin’.
“We talked while we did laundry and I felt a connection…” So romantic.
Puppet Theater with 3 puppets.
Uh, yes please. A perfect way to avoid confrontation with your significant other by portraying your irritation through puppets. "Maybe you shouldn't be such a lazy POS and take the trash out." "What? I didn't say that, the puppet did." Adulting level 100.
Blonde across the street from my kids.
"I noticed you checked the mail twice today. If you want to chat, email me. I know you are living with someone now so it's up to you." So, this post poses a lot of questions. How old is this man? Where does he actually live? How long has he been watching the 'blonde?' Why does he still use email? And why has he been watching her so carefully?!
Statues of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and a giraffe.
So, yeah, statues are a thing on Craigslist. Probably the second most popular posting next to puppies, clothes you'd wear to Walmart, and firewood. For only $230 bucks you can be the owner of Snow White and all of her dwarfs AND a giraffe. What a deal, right?
To the female shoppers of Kroger and Target...
"This is a shout-out to all of the sexy moms and gorgeous middle-aged ladies who make the chore of shopping a bit easier for us single guys due to your lovely presence. You come in there wearing your yoga pants with your hair tied up in a ponytail and it really brightens our day. So...thanks!" LOLOLOL.
Until next week, Louisville!