On September 23, 2012 The University of Louisville Equestrian Team will host a Hunter Show at Stone Place Stables in Prospect, Kentucky. The show starts at 9:30 am with schooling allowed at 7 am to 9 am day of show. Classes to be held in the outdoor arena.
The following classes/divisions are offered:
Division A
1. Poles - Equitation
2. Poles - Equitation
3. W/T Equitation
Division B
4. Poles - Green Horse
5. Poles - Green Horse
6. W/T - Green Horse
Division C
7. 18" Crossrails - Equitation
8. 18" Crossrails - Equitation
9. W/T Equitation
Division D
10. 18" Crossrails - Green Horse
11. 18" Crossrails - Green Horse
12. W/T Green Horse
13. Lead Line Class
Division E
14. 18" Verticals - Equitation
15. 18"Verticals - Equitation
16. W/T Equitation
Division F
17. 21" Veritcals - Equitation
18. 21" Verticals - Equitation
19. WTC Equitation
Division G
20. 2' Hunter Over Fences
21. 2' Hunter Over Fences
22. WTC Undersaddle
Division H
23. 2'3 Hunter Over Fences
24. 2'3 Hunter Over Fences
25. WTC Undersaddle
Division I
26. 2'6 Hunter Over Fences
27. 2'6 Hunter Over Fences
28. WTC Undersaddle
Divsion J
29. 2'-2'6 Equitation
30. 2'-2'6 Equitation
31. WTC Equitation
32. Henry Wallace Memorial*Adult WTC Equitation*
Class Fees are $15 per class, School Horse Fee is $15, Non-Competition horse fee is $15.
Ribbons will be awarded through 6th place. Reserve Champion and Champions will be awarded for Hunter Divisions; riders must compete in all 3 classes in the division to be eligible.
Management reserves the right to combine, cancel, or divide classes as entries warrant.
Current Coggins is required upon entry. Approved helmets must be worn at all times. Informal Attire is allowed.
Concessions will be available.
For more information please contact Sarah Younger at: 502-938-0556, or by email at: sarah.younger@yahoo.com
Stone Place Stables is located at 7718 Rose Island Rd., Prospect, KY 40059-8903.
Logo: Courtesy of U of L Equestrian Team