For one weekend only, Kentucky Shakespeare Festival will present the comedy Two Gentlemen of Verona, which opens tonight.
Two Gentlemen of Verona will have performances tonight, tomorrow, the 16, and 17 at 8:30 p.m. each night. All performances, which are free, are to go on in Central Park, located along 4th and Magnolia Streets in the Old Louisville section. Keep in mind, the show is outdoors, so bring bug spray.
Shakespeare's Two Gentlemen of Verona is a comedy that features two men, best friends, who are in pursuit of their own success - one looking for career, the other looking for romance. During this time, two women, at one time strangers, find themselves having much in common with the other.
KY Shakespeare Festival will close its summer season with a presentation from the University of Louisville called The Oprhan of Chao, which will run from July 19-24. More information on the season can be found at the Kentucky Shakespeare Festival website.
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(Image from KY Shakespeare)