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    Hey. Did you hear it was pretty hot there?

    Both Louisvillians and visitors alike gathered at the waterfront to participate in Forecastle's three themes of "Music, Bourbon Art, and Activism." This year's activism target was to remedy California's drought. With daily heat indices approaching or exceeding 100, everyone was able to give back to the environment - attendees were encouraged to donate 1 kg of sweat to be immediately sent to water celebrity lawns in Los Angeles. To facilitate the process, Forecastle provided free, crystal clear water to generate sweat as pure as the Ohio River before shipping it out to the chemically-treated California landscape. Here are only a fraction of the philanthropists that came together to do their part one diaphoretic drop at a time. A salute to all you climate heroes!

    Forecastle organizers efficiently collected sweat donations using large basins as seen in the next 2 photos:

    When not donating sweat, festival-goers used various techniques to stay cool including:

    1. Parasols - the classiest technique of all

    2. Only drinking from beer cans that match your Speedo and medal ribbons. I'm not normally a fan of the fanny pack, but I'm not sure where else they could store their medals when not using them. They get a pass this time.

    3. The sleeve rollup - inexpensive and somewhat effective

    4. The fly swatter and moving to higher ground, demonstrated by same model in a second photo by Katie Molck.

    5. Somehow sleeping under the stage during a Diarrhea Planet show above you.

    6. Pretending you're not actually human. Risks include developing a shrunken head. I swear it must have been 150 degrees in that thing, and I saw him multiple times over the weekend. 

    7. Embracing your inner butterfly - a practical choice for those of us with daughters and are able to steal one of their costumes for the weekend to fan one's bad self.

    8. Did someone say popsicles???

    Photo by Michelle Eigenheer


    Photo by Katie Molck

    9. Cornhole!

    Photo by Katie Molck

    10. This.

    11. Hopefully not this.

    12. Using a BEER sign for shade. I do appreciate how the PBR can matches the top. Nice choice.

    13. Oh yeah, actually going in the shade. Or putting a blue towel over your head when you don't notice the shade right next to you.

    14. Doing festivalish things.

    15. Going on a pony ride.

    This gentleman was criticized for overuse of his lead when it was clear he was going to lose the race. A full investigation is underway, but the pony had no visible signs of injury afterward.

    16. Screaming....YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    17. Putting your money where your mouth is. Son, if them two dollars saved even one mullet this weekend, ya done real good. #'Murica

    18. Meeting at the Watering Hole.

    19. Sign language. Did anyone else notice how amazing this woman was during the performances, knowing all the lyrics and signing real time?

    20. Painting cool art without sweating on it and ruining the whole thing. (Art photos by Michelle Eigenheer)

    21. Making us all feel worthless and weak for complaining about the heat by putting on a frikkin' blazer before hitting the stage. (Guitarists from St. Paul and the Broken Bones)

    22. Enjoying fireworks (Photo by Michelle Eigenheer)

    23. Dancing. This guy was dancing his heart out at both main stages. Loved it.

    Photo by Michelle Eigenheer

    24. Being happy. My question about this first photo: if someone is asleep behind you, is it still considered a photobomb?

    Trust me, this next young lady was happy and kind enough to let me take a photo of her Louisville pride.

    25. Losing oneself in all the great music! 

    Modest Mouse performance - Note the stage signage missing after the winds blew it all down on night one.

    Feel free to comment below on your favorite ways these folks stayed cool.

    Important note:
    It's highly probable the author of this article is recovering from sunstroke and may not have his facts straight. Much of the content (any?) of this article could not be verified for accuracy except that these photos are all from Forecastle Festival 2015!

    Unless otherwise noted, photos by Glenn Hirsch (

    Glenn Hirsch's picture

    About Glenn Hirsch

    The first "n" in Glenn is silent. Grew up near ORD then stops of DTW, ORD and 12 years around BWI, IAD and DCA until SDF in 2012. Love wildlife (have 2 young kids), international travel and chatting with interesting people. My photography passion led me to

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