Evidence of the annual scarecrow migration has been spotted in Clermont, Kentucky. Even though the highly successful Colorfest has come and gone at Bernheim Forest, the scarecrow are alive and well and displaying themselves in a wild rumpus throughout the arboretum. The Scarecrow Jubilee is on, folks.
In an effort to provide a "…fun, family-oriented outdoor exhibition designed to connect individuals with nature and inspire nature-related experiences," the fourth annual Scarecrow Jubilee will remain on display until the end of November. Bernheim invites ordinary artists and groups such as local scout troops, schools, and businesses to work their creative magic in the straw medium. The fun, whimsical, and themed scarecrows are eligible for first place in the categories of most original, best relation to theme, funniest, and people's choice award. The theme for the 2011 Scarecrow Jubilee is "Falling Leaves, Colorful Trees: Watching Autumn Activity".
If watching autumn activity has been on your mind lately, be sure to visit Berheim before the great scarecrow hibernation begins. Catching a glimpse of the scarecrows throughout the forest is a scavenger hunt in its own right and a great weekend activity for the family. Check out the slideshow of last year's entries here.