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    I'm not sure if I've been hiding under a rock for the past week, but a friend just brought this story to my attention. Tonight, DIAZ (a 98.9 KISS FM DJ) has invited all nursing mamas to the steps of the Clear Channel Radio station (which owns 98.9) where he has invited local media.

    Here's the story...last week DIAZ (who obnoxiously spells his name is all caps) brought up the Kim Kardashian Tweet regarding breastfeeding in a public restaurant. Apparently demure little Kim was all grossed out by boobs (ironic, huh?) and tweeted that moms should cover up in public while breastfeeding their babies. Well, I'm sure you can figure out the rest. Other ignorant listeners who probably give their kids bottles of Mountain Dew called in and adamantly agreed. Ruh roh. 

    A local mom who was saddened by the whole exchange e-mailed DIAZ. He stated to her that while he supports the practice of breastfeeding "I still think UNCOVERED and in public really isn't the best place."

    Any mom who has tried to nurse a squirmy baby out in public will agree with me when I say that it's almost impossible to maintain full coverage. I'm a fairly modest person, and I tried the whole blanket thing. But Jack kicked them off so quickly it just wasn't worth it. Besides, who cares? I see more breast exposure coming out of Hollister at the Mall.

    So, rally your support for breastfeeding in public...with or without a blanket! Come to Clear Channel Radio at 4000 Radio Drive (just off Newburg Road and I-264) from 6:30-7:30.  

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