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    Midnights at the Baxter presents 'Rushmore'
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    It was a good summer for hipsters – Wes Anderson released a new movie! Moonrise Kingdom

    was Anderson's first film in three years, the last being 2009's

    Fantastic Mr. Fox

    , and it is, in this writer's opinion, thus far the best of his works. And I should know – I watched all seven of his films in about a three-month period.

    Moonrise Kingdom

    is the most Wes-Anderson-y of Wes Anderson's films, with his signature tracking shots, precise scene construction, and quirky dialogue in full force. It is a thing of beauty.

    (If anybody cares, I took the trouble to rank Anderson's films in order of best to least-best [because, really, they're all wonderful], and the ranking is thus:

    Moonrise Kingdom, The Royal Tenenbaums, Rushmore, Fantastic Mr. Fox, The Darjeeling Limited, The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou,


    Bottle Rocket


    Bottle Rocket

    was Anderson's first film, and it shows – it lacks the Wes Anderson look and feel. His style really came into focus with his second effort:


    , presented tomorrow (Saturday) for a midnight screening at Baxter Avenue Theater. The film tells the story of Max Fisher (Jason Schwartzman in his acting debut), a teenager at Rushmore Academy. He is Rushmore's “most extracurricular” student, having organized or participated in multiple clubs and organizations, while shirking his academic duties. He has a new goal, however, when he falls in love with the beautiful new elementary school teacher (Olivia Williams) – a crush shared with his friend-turned-rival, the industrialist Herman Blume (Bill Murray).

    Don your flannel and head out to Baxter Avenue Theater tomorrow night. The theater is located at 1250 Bardstown Road, in Mid-City Mall. Further theater information and advance ticket sales can be found at the Baxter Avenue Theater website.

    Image: Internet Movie Database

    Allan Day's picture

    About Allan Day

    There are legitimate theories that the Big Bang originated from the collapse of a black hole in a fourth-dimensional universe. This stuff fascinates me, and I love reading about it. I love reading about science. And about anything, for that matter, provided it's interesting - and everything is potentially interesting, so I'm fascinated by a lot of things. I also read a lot of fiction (Kurt Vonnegut deserves deification) and watch a lot of movies (Charlie Chaplin also deserves deification). I've made a few short films myself. I'm also a writer of everything - I'm close to a Bachelor's in English at IUS. My life consists of reading, writing, bartending, and taking care of my daughter full-time. Life is busy and life is stressful, but that's why there's music and art and other forms of relaxation.

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