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    • "A state tourism board gave preliminary approval on Monday for a controversial religious theme park to apply for up to $37 million in state tax incentives. The Kentucky Tourism Development Finance Authority also gave final approval Monday for the Kentucky Speedway to collect up to $20.5 million in sales tax breaks over 10 years. The deal will allow the Northern Kentucky race track to recoup up to 25 percent of the $82 million it is spending on an expansion that will allow it to host a NASCAR Sprint Cup race." [Bluegrass Politics]
    • "After saying he would 'pray about' a 2012 bid for President, Republican Indiana Congressman Mike Pence is expected to make a decision next month. Pence is also considering a run for governor. The gubernatorial bid may be a safer bet for Pence, since Republican Lt. Governor Becky Skillman is not running, and neither is outgoing Democratic Senator Evan Bayh." [WFPL]
    • "Although Louisville’s tap water has been dubbed 'Best Tasting' by the American Waterworks Association, that refreshing, metallic tang you detect every time you take a good swig of Ohio River aqua has earned our fair city a new distinction: We are now among 25 American cities whose tap water contains unsafe levels of carcinogenic hexavalent chromium." [LEO Weekly]
    • "WAVE-3 is advising viewers the station might not be available to Insight Communications subscribers after Dec. 31 if contract talks fail." [Courier-Journal]

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