Day one is in the books from the Louder than Life Festival and it was a real spectacle. People came from as far as Boston, for this guy it was close enough to walk, and such treasures as a rather large drunk fellow who gave me a friendly challenge of "MAYNE!! This is Leamp Biscuit we’re getting in the pit!! We from Bullitt county and you can’t HANG with em big boyees!!" Easily my favorite quote of the day, certainly not stereotyping our more rural neighbors, but for the most part the crowd was mostly polite, quite bearded, and if I hadn’t left my cargo shorts in the 90's where they should be, I would’ve thought it was really 1999.
While the people watching was pretty unparalleled, the music was even better. Fuel started my day and they really rocked out with album-quality track delivery; and the crowd was quite warmed up by the 1:20 start. I have to hand it to the LTL folks, the schedule adherence and positioning of the main stages was pretty impressive. Steel Panther was on my radar next.
These guys Steel Panther have a Spinal Tap-ish vibe of cocky and unwarranted egos, a C.C. Deville raided wardrobe from 1988, and a lifetime Aqua Net sponsorship. They were actually pure awesome. I ran into them in the media tent and, while they turned out to be rock-n'-roll cocky of course, they were pretty cool and much appreciative for all the love they got. Next up, Mastadon. Even though most attendees don’t consider a lot of the bands "metal", this city boy (whose first real concert was the Grateful Dead with his waspy out-of-place parents), certainly does. Mastadon embodied that vibe for me but in a more power-driven manner. You could feel that set and the effort that was put into it was remarkable.
Okay Fred Durst, if you say "let’s take it back ‘99" one more time I’m going to throw all of your multi-colored fitted Yankee caps in the Ohio River. To Limp Bizkit’s credit they came impressively came together like it actually was 1999. They brought it BIG. My compadre from Bullitt County must have started a riot, as there was quite a lot raucous dancing in that pit, and Mr. Durst even had to quell the crowd for a spell. Stone Temple Pilots, it’s time to hang it up. You were awful, I’m sorry folks but it’s true. Sloppy arrangements, slow pace on the music, and this horrendous attempt at replacing Scott Weiland. I would rather sleep on a baja hoodie or hang out in the pit, with everyone holding knives, than listen to you again.
Korn? Yeah okay, I’ll go out there and say you still got it too, but more people were waiting for you to wrap up your set than were hoping for an encore. However, most people I spoke with came to see Korn more than any other act except one. I’m looking at you, Judas Priest.
While there wasn’t a motorcycle entry ride, they absolutely crushed. They are pure, seasoned performers with flawless delivery and an arsenal of classics. It really was captivating to witness. There’s really nothing else to say except the particularly rocked "Redeemer of Souls", "Breaking the Law", "Hell Bent for Leather", and indeed "You’ve Got Another Thing Comin'", and "Living After Midnight." If you didn't see them perform, you missed out big time.
Off to gear up for Day 2 but special thanks to Ashton-Magnuson Media for the love and access, Hi-Five Doughnuts, The Monkey Wrench, and Lil Cheezers for awesome grub as always!!
Photo Credit: Max Ryan Sharp and Glenn Hirsch