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    Eat & Swig

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    I can tell you from personal experience that when you first move to Kentucky, your well intentioned friends and family envision you driving a rusted truck down a dirt road so you can spend your weekends petting a pony in a tobacco field. 

    What they don't picture is a city with a LEED Platinum Certified einvironmentally friendly building, one of the largest and most vibrant glass art communities in the country, and a top destination ranking for vacationing foodies seeking independent cuisine. Wait, did I say city? Oh, sure, that's true, but you can also find all that in one neighborhood - the East Market District of NuLu.

    New 2 Lou is joining forces with my very own Go Go Guerrilla Army to take Louisville residents both new and old on a photo-stop filled walking tour of NuLu April 10.

    We're providing a photographer, hair stylists and a makeup artist so you'll look absolutely killer when showing off the shots. It's a laid back day, so you're welcome to join us whenever you can at any of our stops. Stay for an hour or spend the day with us. We'll have prize drawings at every stop plus a live band and a tour of the art exhibit at The Green Building. Our friends at MagBooth will also have a free photo booth set up outside their shop if you can't wait to download the photos from Flickr. We'll also have menus available for those who want to try one of the independent restaurants on the NuLu strip.

    2 pm - Flame Run

    3 pm - Bodega

    4 pm - The Beer Store

    5 pm - The Green Building

    It's $10 if you sign up in advance online or $15 on April 10. 

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    About ChrisRachael Oseland

    You're welcome to stalk my 22 First Dates and other random shenanigans on my personal blog. <BR>

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