Several years ago, I made it out to a midnight screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. This is, of course, legendary, and it needs no introduction. I was very excited – this was my first time. I was a virgin (yeah). I'd heard stories – people dress up, things get thrown at the screen, it's just a good time all around. Well, not much got thrown at the screen, and actually not many people were dressed up, but it was still incredible. (I, of course, was wearing a corset with fishnets and red panties, an outfit I would don twice more, once for a Halloween party [there's a picture on Facebook of me cuddling adorably with a coworker] and once for work [I work at an eccentric place, and it was appropriate for this particular instance].)
But there is a lesser known cult midnight movie, where people yell and throw things at the screen. It's lesser known, but those who are in the know, know, man. You can know, too, and I cannot recommend this enough: it is the Midnights at the Baxter screening of The Room tomorrow, Saturday.
Writer/director/everything-else-apparently Tommy Wiseau stars as Johnny, a banker blissfully engaged to Lisa (Juliette Danielle). However, Lisa gets it into her head to seduce Mark (Greg Sestero), Johnny's best friend (I cannot emphasize this enough, and neither can Mark). What follows is a web of lies, deceit, angst, and all sorts of bizarre subplots. To say more would ruin a fantastic surprise. One hint: bring a bunch of plastic spoons. You'll be glad you did.
Baxter Avenue Theater is located at 1250 Bardstown Road. Further information can be found at the theater's website.
Image: Internet Movie Database