One of the finest joys about being a human being is the ability to get lost in a good story. The art of storytelling is evident in the most primitive of human societies--right there with the hand-ax and arrowhead is the cave drawing: the first prop to narrate an event and probably exaggerate the size of some prey. Can't you just imagine a group of squatting Cro-Magnon men retelling elaborate adventures, grunting the equivalent of a fish story? Oral storytelling is certainly in my blood and enjoyed across all cultures by the smallest of ears, capable of fertilizing imagination and budding empathy.
Two events this week celebrate storytelling in various ways. Be sure to share one of these events with your future orator:
Spirits of LaGrange present Ghost Stories on the Square--
This Friday, September 9, from 7:30-10:00, join Bill Watson, Roberta Simpson Brown, Thomas Freese and more on the hallowed grounds of the Oldham County History Center for some bone-chilling stories in LaGrange, KY (which is scary in its own right from time to time--just kidding, I grew up there, so I have the right to make fun). This event is free, open to the public, and suitable for all ages. Bring chairs, a picnic and blanket, and venture back in time with an old-fashioned ghost story.
Saturday, September 10, from 12:00-4:00 p.m. the Louisville Zoo will host a Storybook Character Day where children can meet some of their favorite characters throughout the Zoo. Bring your camera and capture a moment with Llama Llama, Curious George and his Man in the Yellow Hat, Lilly, Scuffy the Tugboat and more. Free with Zoo admission.