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    48 Hour Film Festival Screenings at Village 8 Theaters this Wednesday and Thursd
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    The 48 Hour Film Project screenings will be Wednesday (July 31) and Thursday (August 1) at Village 8 Theaters. The films are separated into three viewing groups.  Anyone wanting to view all three groups will have to attend on different nights (see schedule below). Tickets may be purchased from Village 8 Theaters in advance or at the door.

    The 48 Hour Film Project gives participants a chance to show off their film making skills by writing, casting and producing a short film (Between 4 and 7 minutes) within 48 hours from the start time. The challenge begins when the teams draw genres on Friday evening. The teams are also given a prop, a character name, and a line of dialog that must be included in ther production. (The competition was July 19-21). The teams must hand in their videos by closing time Sunday evening. Any late entries will be shown but will not be eligble to win any of the categories. More information is available on the Louisville web site for the festival.

    Prizes will be given for the following:

    Best Use of Louisville, Best Directing, Best Writing, Best Acting, Best Editing, Best Cinematography, Best Sound Design, Best Use of Character, Best Use of Prop, Best Use of Line, Best Costumes, Best Graphics, Best Special Effects, Best Musical Score, Best Choreography, Best Costumes

    The teams being screened are as follows (listed by Production company and Team Leader):

    Group A:
    Screening on Wednesday, July 31 @ 7:00pm
    Screening on Thursday, August 1 @ 9:00pm

    Amy Wants To Name Everything Sharkbite, Andrea Kiefer
    Awkward Handshake Productions, Jason Sydnor
    Boom Roasted, Michael Goatley
    CYKA Films, Evan Sennett
    Fashion Farms Unlimited, Clay Morton
    Hiss & Vinegar, William Wallace
    IS CHE INDUSTRIES, Kris Johnson
    Team Ambition, Alex Constante
    The Alley Theater, Natalie Schoenbachler
    Tofu Productions, Jack Schaver
    Word of Mouth, Jon Maynard

    Group B:
    Screening on Wednesday, July 31 @ 7:15pm
    Screening on Thursday, August 1 @ 7:15pm

    25 Square Feet Productions, Mike Lewis
    Beargrass Media, Patrick Fitzgerald
    Fools & Film Productions, Tim Gooch
    Glass Label | Antonio Pantoja and Clay Cook, Antonio Pantoja
    Gypsy Moth Productions, Greg Willihnganz
    Omelette Du Fromage, Colson Rich
    phatfingaproductions, terrence mccraeny
    River City Pizza Party, Lauren Willoughby
    The Madison Macon Line, Jared Hardy
    Trisunn Production, Jonathan Dunn
    Weekend Chocolate Warriors, Donnie Kornick

    Group C:
    Screening on Wednesday, July 31 @ 9:00pm
    Screening on Thursday, August 1 @ 7:00pm

    Bottoms Up! Productions, Kate Holland
    Experimental Creative, Patrick Yen
    Fresh Pot Productions, Clinton Watson
    Legacy, Mike Vance
    M'head, Charles Waddell
    Monkey's Paw Films, Joe Flaskman
    Porkchop Productions, Bobbi Templet
    Red Es Rojo Entertainment, Rarlando Ramsey
    Snakes and Sparklers, Josh Elam
    Team Team!, JohnBen Lacy
    Two Cops, Paul Disney IV

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    About Jessica Lynn

    Jessica Lynn has been writing for since fall of 2010 and has also been published in LEO, Velocity, Voice-Tribune and others after serving as Editor in Chief of The JCC student newspaper, The Quadrangle. She has also served as columnist or contributing writer to an array of online publications.

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