Regular readers may remember an article I delivered back in January detailing a day on the set of the short film The Gift, directed by Travis Myles and produced by Brand New Gay Productions. The film was shot over the course of a weekend and has since been undergoing extensive post-production. And now, ladies and gentlemen, The Gift is finally complete and ready for its world premiere.
The heat index may be in the triple-digits (well, not anymore, I guess – thankfully), but the story of The Gift is set in the cold months of winter. The film stars Douglas Scott Sorenson as Alan, who feels he is out-gifted every Christmas by his partner James (Brent Gettelfinger). He spends the day with his best friend Bill (Chuck Beatty) trying to find the perfect gift to finally out-do James.
The Gift screens tomorrow evening (Friday) at the University of Louisville Floyd Theater, and admission is free. The screening also doubles as a preview for the upcoming LGBT Film Festival – in addition to The Gift, attendees will be treated to trailers and sneak previews of select films to screen at the festival. (The LGBT Film Festival takes place on August 16-19. Stay tuned for further details and festival coverage.)
It all starts at 7:00 at the Floyd Theater, which is located on the third floor of the Student Activities Center on the University of Louisville campus (look for the clock tower). Again, admission is free, and concessions will be available for purchase. Come out and show your support for local and independent film!
Further information can be found at The Gift Facebook fan page and the film’s Facebook event page.
Image: ‘The Gift’ Facebook event page