Craig Everett Earl worked with many Louisville cast and crew to make "Intrusion," which has found distribution and will screen at Village 8 Theaters.
Haunted hotel is near Churchill Downs and utilizes a mix of lighting, music, make up, actors and props to creep you out.
October is here-Happy Halloween in Louisville.
The Devil's Attic haunted attraction remains one of Louisville's favorites and continues to grow.
Fear Fair had to temporarily close down their haunted attraction for a heart attack victim amidst record breaking attendance. It is still one of the best haunts in a three hour radius.
The Devil's Attic continues to be one of my favorite ways to celebrate the haunting season. It's not to be missed!
The Paranormal lives in Louisville. We look at the 6 things that give Waverly Hills it's reputation as "one of the scariest places on earth."
A new haunt in Seymour, Indiana gives an old flour mill a new life.
Fear Fair is one of the best haunts in the regions, and has the best value.
Free to a good home: "free homemade haunted house (okolona)" that apparently had one girl, perhaps it was your girlfriend, drop to the ground crying and had a guy shoulder block his girl to get out. Good news is, donations go towards finding a cure for breast cancer.