Keeping Louisville fresh since 1992.
The Va Va Vixens receive multiple standing ovations for their latest show.
Dating in Louisville can be tough; up your chances for finding a date this year.
The Vixens return for their highly anticipated 6th annual Valentine's Day show at Headliners.
A glimpse into the world of online dating in the city of Louisville through the eyes of one writer.
Bourbon is for lovers.
My fiance Jared and I decided to have an adventure date at the fair with the stipulation we would not spend more than $60. See how we did it!
Impress your new love with these great Louisville dates.
Dating is the worst.
Louisville's favorite burlesque troupe The Va Va Vixens return with their annual Louisville Valentine's Day celebration with Va Va Valentine February 2, 8, 9, 15 and 16. at Headliner's Music Hall.
In which Dawn expounds upon life as a Craft Beer Chick.
June 3, join Louisville Magazine 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Churchill Downs 4th floor balcony (700 Central Avenue) to celebrate the launch of its June 2011 issue.
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