According to the Old Farmer’s Almanac website,, the autumnal equinox begins, Sunday, September 22, 2013 at 4:44 a.m. The word equinox comes from the Latin word meaning “equal night.” After this day, the temperatures begin to slowly decline and we get those cool evenings and sunnily brilliant days. The leaves begin to change colors and the daylight grows even shorter each day.
If I haven’t stated it before on, fall is my favorite time of year. The crisp mornings - Grab your sweater - The return of the Starbucks Pumpkin Latte – UofL Football – Crunching through the leaves with my kids – Sitting by the firepit with melted marshmallow dripping off a skewer – Heading out to our favorite Roadside Market, Tower View Farm and Nursery to pick out mums, gourds, and pumpkins – The smell of the first pumpkin pie of the season baking in the oven – All of these and more are just a few of my favorite things.
For my family, this is the time of year that we plan to do the most, especially outdoors. We love all of the fall festivals and seeing the fall foliage. We’re going to plan a weekend getaway during my daughter’s fall break; see this list here and pick a new place to scope out! Fall was always my favorite storytime planning time. I loved sharing all of my favorite stories about apples, pumpkins, scarecrows, and leaves with my families at the library. Here are my top my favorites, which can all be found at your local Louisville Free Public Library.
Dappled Apples by Jan Carr
It’s Pumpkin Time by Zoe Hall
Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert
Fall Leaves Fall by Zoe Hall
When Autumn Falls by Kelli Nidey
My new pair of jeans and my favorite burnt orange sweater are lying in wait for that first crisp, fall day!
Photo by Erin Nevitt, Book cover images courtesy of