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    Village 8 Louisville Exclusives presents 'Hungry Hearts'
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    In a lot of ways, we live in a bizarre time. While there are great strides being made on any number of social and cultural issues, there also seems to be this strange backlash, fueled by illogic and a seeming insistence on working against one’s own interests, or the interests of others. Some of this is relatively harmless – the anti-gluten crusade, for instance (while celiac disease is real, of course, the rest of us are perfectly fine to eat gluten, and the labelling of foods which would never contain wheat as “gluten-free” merely speaks to corporate food’s desire to capitalize on the public’s ignorance). But some things affect our children, and as a parent myself, I am outraged by those who, for instance, refuse to vaccinate their child because of some strange paranoia based on absolutely zero credible evidence.

    Luckily, my child is healthy and well-cared for (and vaccinated and an eater of gluten [she’s fine, by the way]). Imagine, however, that you are a rational person saddled with a partner in parenthood who was… not so much. This is the subject of Hungry Hearts (directed by Severio Costanzo), the newest film in the Louisville Exclusives series at Village 8 Theaters, bringing indie, foreign, and limited release films to our city for your viewing pleasure. Adam Driver stars as Jude, a man who conceives a child with Mina (Alba Rohrwacher). Mina does not trust doctors. She does not trust Western standards of health and cleanliness. Babies are young and fragile, and hers quickly becomes endangered, leaving Jude torn between trust and logic.

    Hungry Hearts will play at Village 8 for a week (this is subject to extension). Village 8 is located at 4014 Dutchmans Lane. Further theater information and showtimes can be found at the Village 8 website.

    Image: Internet Movie Database

    Allan Day's picture

    About Allan Day

    There are legitimate theories that the Big Bang originated from the collapse of a black hole in a fourth-dimensional universe. This stuff fascinates me, and I love reading about it. I love reading about science. And about anything, for that matter, provided it's interesting - and everything is potentially interesting, so I'm fascinated by a lot of things. I also read a lot of fiction (Kurt Vonnegut deserves deification) and watch a lot of movies (Charlie Chaplin also deserves deification). I've made a few short films myself. I'm also a writer of everything - I'm close to a Bachelor's in English at IUS. My life consists of reading, writing, bartending, and taking care of my daughter full-time. Life is busy and life is stressful, but that's why there's music and art and other forms of relaxation.

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