Color yourself like the stars with vampy nail polish.
Shades that are currently trending: graysand silvers, browns and khaki’s, deep plums and purples, and variations of navyblue.
If those colors don’t tickleyour fancy, just try something neutral like baby pink, cream or even clear.
Anything on your fingers will completeyour beauty regime and it’s the best way to look “polished”-no pun intended.
Save yourself some money and do your own nails by givingyourself the manicure.
Here’s some quick tips I’velearned from years of experience:
Keeping your nails freshly clipped and filedprevents hangnails, snags, and breakage.
Buff your nails before you paint to help thepolish stick.
Get one for under abuck at Sally Hansen beauty supply (291 N Hubbard Lane
Use a base coat and/or top coat to seal thepaint
Use a good polish that you know won’t chip.
If you take the time to do it yourselfyou want it to last
Moisturize your hands often.
It keeps your cuticles soft and helps maintainhealthy skin.
I trust my nails to OPI and Sephora by OPI.
Thank goodness Louisville finally got aSephora store! (Oxmoor Center, 7900 Shelbyville Rd). Even though shoppingonline with Sephora is a breeze it’s nice to browse the colors in person. Expectto spend $5-9 on a bottle.
That’smore than a $2 polish from the drug store but it lasts longer and is stillsaving you plenty of cash when you compare it with paying to get a manicure.
Now go get polished!
Image from ImaxTree.com