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    Mystery.  Comedy.  Tragedy.  ...Romance?

    For the three days leading up to Valentine's Day, (tonight, tomorrow, and Saturday), Eve Ensler's award-winning play, the "Vagina Monologues," will be performed at University of Louisville Playhouse.  The show, a series of theatrical vignettes, interviews, and ensemble pieces, incorporate all of the above genres in a powerful and informative show about, you guessed it, vaginas.

    "V-day" refers to a global movement to end violence against women and girls by raising funds via benefit productions of the Vagina Monologues.  The U of L cast includes members of their faculty, community, and student body.  Proceeds will benefit PEACC, a program working to end violence against women at the University of Louisville.

    Show starts at 7pm, tickets $10 each, ($8 students). Call 852-2663 for more information.


    Emily Ruppel's picture

    About Emily Ruppel

    Writer/artist living in Old Louisville. Lover of: long runs around the city (training for Derby Marathon # 2!), old-fashioned gas lamps covered with snow, the words "porch" "button" and "calico," thunder, fireworks, and home-made popcorn.

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