Yes, the entire greater Louisville area seems to be talking about nothing but Thunder. Yes, it will be awesome. Yes, it will be crowded. Yes, some people just don't like that kind of stuff. But what else is there to do this weekend? Who else is brave enough to schedule activities that are entirely unrelated to Thunder? Enter the Indiana Uplands Wine Trail:
Spring is here and what better way to celebrate than traveling the Indiana Uplands Wine Trail! Travel to any of the IUWT wineries on Saturday, April 17
or Sunday, April 18
and taste some of Indiana's finest wines paired with savory cheeses. The Indiana Uplands wineries will feature Indiana-grown Traminette varietals & blends at this event - taste Indiana's new signature grape! Nine opportunities to join us for this complimentary event!
This is a great opportunity to visit some of our local wineries, taste some cheeses, have a more relaxing weekend, and learn about Traminette. Impress your friends with your amazing knowledge of this lesser-known wine! Heck, I didn't even know Indiana had a signature wine! But never fear, for I intend to track down this vintage and try it. And just as soon as we get that Wonkavision up and running, I'll post a sample for you to try.
Want some of your own? It's available at 24 Indiana wineries. But might I suggest that your visit this weekend be to Huber Winery? Not only are they participating in the wine trail, but they are also hosting an art show, with a live concert to boot!
Join us April 16-18 for the third annual Local Art & Wine Show. This event is coordinated around the release of a special dry wine, Stella di Luce.
Local artists, Rand Heazlitt of Harrison Co., IN and Jonathan Swanz of Jefferson Co., KY are the featured artists this year.
An event you don't want to miss - Friday, April 16, Saturday, April 17, and Sunday, April 18, 2010 from 12:00-5:00. Browse among the unique pieces of art created by these local artists, listen to music provided by the “Dick Sisto Trio” on Saturday and Sunday, and taste a sample of the beautiful dry rose wine.
Photo: Flickr/Fabrizio Monti