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    Eat & Swig

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    This past weekend, the Crescent Hill Old-Fashioned Fourth of July festival took place on the grounds of the Peterson-Dumesnil House (301 S. Peterson Ave.), basically in my back yard. And it was pretty sweet, to be honest. I won a chocolate cake playing a carnival game that cost a dime. I also ate an $8 crab cake sandwich (the guy cooking them told me he sold 360), a corn dog, a hot dog and fries. That's a successful July Fourth, in my mind. It's worth noting that Mayor Jerry Abramson was there. I also saw Republican mayoral candidate Hal Heiner. And although Heiner and Democratic mayoral candidate Greg Fischer had tables set up right next to each other, I didn't wait around long enough to see if a fight broke out.

    The highlight, though, came right before the fireworks display, when a cover band played Pink Floyd. Because, uh, nothing screams patriotism quite like "Comfortably Numb."


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