Mosaic masterpieces, clear blue seas, mythological gods and a never-ending supply of wine. Women living in the ancient Mediterranean undoubtedly had exciting lives. And this fall, the University of Louisville along with some impressive historians and archeologists are celebrating these women with a free public lecture series.
The “Women in the Ancient Mediterranean” series is sure to intrigue anyone captivated by the art, languages, architecture and lifestyles of the ancient times of Aphrodite and Cleopatra. Sponsored by the University’s College of Arts and Sciences’ Liberal Studies Project and Archaeological Institute of America’s Kentucky Society, these lectures will feature some of the world’s leading authors and scholars as guest speakers.
Here’s the schedule of fall 2015 lectures:
September 10
5pm in the University Club at the University of Louisville
“The Feminine Mystique: Women in the Ancient World”
This lecture will feature the art history and classics chair of Case Western Reserve University, Jenifer Neils. Neils is also the author of two books, “Women in the Ancient World” and “The British Museum Concise Introduction to Ancient Greece.”
October 8
6pm in the Chao Auditorium in the basement of the University of Louisville’s Ekstrom Library
“Cleopatra: And Archaeological Perspective on Egypt’s Last Pharaoh”
This lecture will feature the University of Louisville’s director of Liberal Studies, archaeologist John Hale. He is also the author of “Lords of the Sea: The Epic Story of the Athenian Navy and the Birth of Democracy.”
October 22
6pm in the Chao Auditorium
“Life and the ‘Good Death’ at Torre de Palma, Portugal”
This lecture is scheduled to feature guest speaker Mary Lucas Powell. Powell is an anthropology professor at the University of Kentucky and has served as the curator of the W.S. Webb Museum of Anthropology.
November 12
6pm in the Chao Auditorium
“Crossing the Corrupting Sea: Women on the Move in the Ancient Mediterranean”
This lecture will feature the talented editor-in-chief of the American Journal of Archaeology and classical studies professor at Duke University, Sheila Dillon. She is the author of “The Female Portrait Statue in the Greek World” and “Ancient Greek Portrait Sculpture: Contexts, Subjects and Styles.”
These lectures are free to the public, so mark your calendars!
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