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    Smart Reading: Theoretical physicist and author, Michio Kaku, to be interviewed
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    It is very easy to become completely absorbed in the small, single-serving sized microcosms we create for ourselves.  Our own, personal little hamster wheels spin and spin while we scurry with great haste through the haze of our own individuality.  We are all guilty of this to some extent, and it can hardly be helped as Western society dictates a pretty feisty demand on the here. The now. Time, time, time. Time = money. Whew!  Sometimes, a little star-gazing can be the most grounding medicine of all.  Are you ready to feel small and quiet for a change?

    As part of the popular broadcast series “Great Conversations”, author and Theoretical Physicist, Michio Kaku, will be interviewed by head of the Institute for Global Futures, James Canton.  Kaku, a co-founder of String Field Theory and an internationally-renowned popularizer of science, is the author of over 70 scholarly scientific articles and  numerous books, including the best sellers Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration of the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation and Time Travel.  Appearing around the globe on numerous television shows, radio shows as well as holding the Henry Semat Chair and Professorship in theoretical physics at the City College of New York, Kaku seeks to continue Einstein’s “Theory of Everything”: uniting the four fundamental forces of the universe—the strong force, the weak force, gravity and electromagnetism.

    A regional broadcast that pairs together leading and innovative minds from all careers and think tanks, “Great Conversations” is hosted by the Kentucky Author Forum and recorded annually for a live audience at The Kentucky Center for the Arts.  A reception before the interview will take place at 5pm with “Great Conversations” to follow at 6pm.  General admission tickets are available for $20 and can be purchased online or in person at the Kentucky Center Box Office downtown.  Big spenders can shell out $110 per ticket for admission to the interview and a dinner honoring Mr. Kaku (interesting conversation can probably be expected).  Think big.  The cosmos awaits for the price of admission. 

    The Kentucky Center for the Arts is located at 501 West Main Street

    Photo: Courtesy of Michio Kaku’s website

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    About Erin Day

    I'm a Louisville native who transplanted home from Las Vegas recently. Don't ask. In my spare time I read a lot of books and drink gin. My soulmate is my 1994 turquoise Ford Ranger - they never made a finer truck. I still totally believe in the Loch Ness Monster. I just want to write for you.

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