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    Premium online tech courses free to Louisville Library patrons
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    Libraries offer an immense amount of free knowledge. You’d spend a lifetime trying to learn all they have to teach. But what if you’re interested in a more modern and hands on way of learning in-demand web development and web design skills, as well as learning to run your own business? Well the Louisville Free Public Library now has you covered there too!

    The LFPL has joined up with Team Treehouse to bring you interactive online instruction on how to build a website, start a business, learn to code, and even build iOS and Android applications.

    Treehouse is a monthly paid subscription learning service, but thanks to the Louisville Library, if you’ve got a Louisville Library card, you can use the Treehouse service for free. You don't want to pass this opportunity up.

    Treehouse's goal is to bring affordable technology education to people everywhere. As a pro web developer myself, Treehouse has come to my attention in the past. People say good things about it. I wanted to test drive their courses, but since it was a paid service that I wasn't sure I would get much use out of, I figured signing up for a subscription fee just to “check things out” was something I should skip. After all, I already work in the industry. How much could they really teach me?

    But when I saw that the LFPL was enabling their patrons to have free accounts, I jumped on my chance. Now I have to eat my own words. Treehouse is worth what they charge and much more. Even though I graduated college with a degree that could land me technology jobs, much of my own coding and design knowledge was self-taught in order to complete whatever tasks stood in front of me. School didn't teach me everything I needed to know and my own method of learning just what I needed left gaps in my knowledge that Treehouse has helped fill. There were things I didn’t know that I didn’t know.

    Even companies subscribe to Treehouse to enable their employees to have access to the 1,300+ step-by-step video courses and training exercises. I personally know of at least one local design and development company that uses Treehouse to help their designers become familiar with the more technical aspects of web development. 

    To top it all off, Treehouse makes learning and progress fun. Points, badges, and funny reward videos you can earn for completing quizzes and code challenges help to keep you motivated.

    From absolute beginner to working in the tech industry, there's really something there for everyone who is interested in more than just consuming the technology being created at a phenomenal rate all around us. Read a bit more about Treehouse and how to sign up for your free subscription over at LFPL’s Treehouse page.



     Treehouse website.

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