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    There is no better way to explain an artist ideas or views of their art than their own words. This is what Kimberly Carroll-Raber has to say about her art...

    "My story of ‘Bones’

    "Carving stone is my meditation and a metaphor for my life.
    Excavation, exploration, foundation and structure all come to mind as I work. I consider stone to be the ‘bones’ of the earth. Digging beneath the surface reveals memories of the past, remnants of a life that once thrived. I find it fascinating that even the tiniest of relics can determine the rise and fall of a civilization.

    The pieces I have chosen to exhibit are excavated ‘bones’ of my past and present. They are relics of my struggles, anger, joy, love and peaceful moments.

    As I carve, I search for truth about myself in order to make sense of my journey, my ‘story’. I realize that all of the answers lie within.

    My intent is to share my story of being human in hopes of connecting to the whole of life. I am merely a culmination of everyone I have ever met and I carve my life as I experience it."

    In peace,
    Kimberly Carroll-Raber

    The Arts Council of Southern Indiana, Pat Harrison Arts Center, located at 820 East Market St., New Albany, Indiana will be exhibiting Kimberly Carroll Raber’s “BONES” Friday night September 16. The event starts at 6:pm and ends at 9:pm. The exhibit and reception are free to the general public.

    For re-routing details due to the closing of the Sherman Minton Bridge or other questions call 812-941-0018.

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    About Terri Shaw

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