Today from 11am- 10pm at O Shea’s (956 Baxter Avenue) 100% of the proceeds will go to benefit Highland Community Ministries (HCM) and their community programs.
Celebrating their 40th anniversary of service this year, HCM is an ecumenical program assisting victims of abuse, families in crisis, homebound elders, infant and adult day care and other services to neighbors regardless of faith. Their programs provide day care for both young and old; meals on wheels for the homebound; assistance for the needy, physically handicapped, and victims of abuse; and recreational opportunities for children that promote healthy lifestyles and competition.
This Monday FUNDay is the pre-event for “A Week in the Highlands” celebration beginning October 2nd. You can find the entire event list for the festival at http://www.louisville.com/content/week-highlands-highlands
Last year, the “A Week in the Highlands” events raised over $25,000 for HCM to provide neighborhood assistance for area parks and improvements.
Be sure to stop by lunch or dinner at O Shea’s on Baxter today to help out HCM and their community programs. Have an Original Highlands experience while helping out a great neighborhood cause!
For more information and photo courtesy of: www.highlandsweek.org