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    • "Republican U.S. Senate nominee Rand Paul sat down with Joe Arnold of WHAS11 on Friday to talk about some of the national interviews he did last week that stirred controversy. 

      He acknowledges that his answers about the 1964 Civil Rights Act on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show were problematic and took responsibility for not communicating more clearly. 'I am a human. I’m fallible like anybody else,' Paul said.

      [Bluegrass Politics]

    • "Trolley service in downtown Louisville will once again be free, at least for about three months–trolley rides will be subsidized through business sponsorships for the summer.

      " [The Edit]

    • "There is more than one instance of gun violence each day in Louisville, and most victims are uninsured, meaning public funding and University Hospital are consistently having to foot the high cost of treatment, according to research by a professor of emergency medicine at the hospital." [Courier-Journal]

    • It's birthday time for Louisville's BS websites. Last week it was Broken Sidewalk's second birthday and today music blog Backseat Sandbar turned 3. Congrats! [Backseat Sandbar]

    Photo: Flickr/Flickrized

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