Since I've been blogging about food and dining, I've been paying a lot more attention to announcements about special dinners and food events. I've come across several free or low-cost events that look great, but the ones that really catch my eye are the ones that cost more than a student/intern/blogger such as myself should spend for a night out. However, if I suddenly found a large sum of extra money deposited into my bank account, I'd spend it on these events:
1) You've Gotta Taste This: Best of Louisville Foodie Tour
On this tour, you are shuttled around the city to sample food and drinks from an assortment of ethnic restaurants. The website doesn't say which ones, but there are too many good restaurants in Louisville for this to be bad. The cost is $55/person and the dates are on the City Taste Tours website.
2) Dairing Pairings Dinner at Proof on Main featuring Master Sommelier Evan Goldstein
A five-course dinner at Proof paired with awesome wines like Grenache and Malbec equals an amazing evening, I'm sure. Too bad my birthday isn't until February. Tuesday, July 13, tickets are $89/ person.
3) 3rd Annual Meet the Farmer’s Dinner at Corbett's
This summer, I've started going to the farmer's market and getting more into locally-produced food. A five-course dinner featuring local ingredients where you get to meet the farmers who grew those ingredients seems like such a great idea. Even if you can't go, just check out the menu so you can drool over it. Tuesday, August 3, tickets are $65/person, excluding alcohol, tax, and gratuity.
4) Brown Hotel cooking class demonstration featuring Eastern American coastal seafood
After I had my first proper crab feast in Maryland last summer, I fell in love. Since this is at the Brown Hotel, I'm sure it won't be crabs served out of a bucket on brown paper like I had, but it's east coast seafood, nonetheless. Friday, August 20, $79/person plus tax and gratuity.
5) Chef's Wine Dinner at 610 Magnolia
This isn't an event per se, as it's offered every Thursday-Saturday, but dinner at 610 Magnolia would be an event in my opinion. The restaurant seems so exclusive and mysterious. I've been in Old Louisville a billion times and I've never seen the place. Maybe that's intentional on their part. Anyway, for $90/person plus gratiuty, you too can join the exclusive society of 610 Magnolia diners.
(Photo from Flickr/It's Holly)