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    You can decide whether these fine ladies are hot from the weather or hot because of an act of genetics. Either way, you can find them and a lot more of like them outside the West Stage at this year's Forecastle Festival.

    The studly lads seem to miss their goals at cornhole whenever the ladies twist their hips. For reasons unbeknownst to me, there seems to be an inordinate amount of hula hooping going on at this festival. I've seen girls of assorted sizes outside two of the stages, working it like they're in a Wii Fit web video.

    Photo and video credit Chris-Rachael Oseland.

    ChrisRachael Oseland's picture

    About ChrisRachael Oseland

    You're welcome to stalk my 22 First Dates and other random shenanigans on my personal blog. <BR>

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