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    Bit to Do

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    The Forecastle Festival is a genuinely fascinating mix of the organic cotton skirt wearing vegan crowd with costumed lolitas in search of a sugar daddy plus cellphone grafted technophiles who can’t breathe easily if they go more than five minutes without pinging the internet.

    Okay, that last part is mostly me.

    Still, I was fascinated to see a booth try to bridge the gap between the Red Bull drinkers dancing to DJ mixes on the Ocean Stage and the barefoot acoustic guitar crowd from the Sustainable Living Roadshow.

    For a mere $5, Brainquility promises a 10 minute "brain massage" in the form of digital meditation. You get an incredibly comfy looking recliner under a nice tent where a dreadlocked guy in his 20’s gives you sound cancelling headphones and 80’s era futuristic sunglasses with special soothing light waves inside.

    I’m actually a little disappointed this is one of the few areas that didn’t smell like pot. (I practically got a contact high every time I wandered into a porta potty. I’m not complaining, though. It’s better than the usual smell inside an enclosed toilet left outside in 90 degree heat.)

    If the festival gets to be too much for you, kick back for a nice soothing 10 minute nap. When you’re done, there’s a Red Bull vendor waiting right outside. Get back back to the party.

    Photo credit Chris-Rachael Oseland.

    ChrisRachael Oseland's picture

    About ChrisRachael Oseland

    You're welcome to stalk my 22 First Dates and other random shenanigans on my personal blog. <BR>

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