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    Mighty Kindness has been pushing the "unity" in "community" for four years in Louisville now and is about to host their first fundraiser Sunday, May 15 at the Monkey Wrench. The event runs 4 - 7 p.m. and asks for at least a $5 donation for entry.  

    Mighty Kindness is a non-profit organization that works to bring people together, create and strengthen community, while educating the public on sustainability. They hold bi-annual 

    festivals that include music, workshops, free vending tables for local farmers, artists, and organizations. Their festivals also have a mighty Kid-ness area, which has included recycling relay races, musical instrument play tents, puppets and more.  I have become familiar with many great organizations such as The Fairness Campaign, churches, community centers, llocal business, farms, and individuals through their festivals. The “massage-a-thon” (where people can get massages for tips)  is always a crowd favorite at the festivals.

    festivals are always free and a great opportunity to get out and enjoy a day with your family and community. MIghty Kindness was started by music duo The Troubadours of Divine Bliss  and has grown exponentially since their first festival. The festivals have  relocated from Willow Park to the Louisville Nature Center which has added hiking trails and important workshops to the dynamic. The group is raising funds to keep the festivals going, to begin a community garden,  and other Kindness intiatives.

    There will be a silent auction at the event in addition to entertainment by Andrea Davidson, Nick Payne, Troubadours of Divine Bliss, Kri n' Hettie, and Serpent Wisdom. The amoount of talent on the stage is well worth the $5 and anything extra you can throw them! The fundraiser will be followed by the open mic "Church on the Rocks" hosted by the Troubadours of Divine Bliss. There is no cover for the open mic.

    Check out this video from one of their festivals:

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    About Jessica Lynn

    Jessica Lynn has been writing for since fall of 2010 and has also been published in LEO, Velocity, Voice-Tribune and others after serving as Editor in Chief of The JCC student newspaper, The Quadrangle. She has also served as columnist or contributing writer to an array of online publications.

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