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    The Floyd Theater presents 'Warm Bodies' and 'Les Miserables'
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    It's warming up, kidlings. Trying to, at least. Here in my basement apartment, it stays cold enough that I'm running up absurd electric bills to keep the thermostat at something approaching a comfortable temperature (it's the stone walls, I'm convinced of it). It will be quite handy in the summer, when it's so hot I have to take two or three showers a day (I hate being sweaty), but for now, at times I'm better served just leaving the door open and letting the outside air infuse my home with warmth.

    What's any of this have to do with anything? Nothing, probably; I got off on a tangent. The point is that we can see the students scurrying around the U of L campus, bright young minds off to get stuffed with knowledge and learning. And where do they go on their weekends to relax their brains and get some entertainment? The Floyd Theater, of course.

    Zombies have a bad reputation. They're slow and stupid, but in great numbers they will overpower and eat you, and if there is enough left of you, you'll join them in their crusade for human flesh. But we need to remember that they are living things (sort of) with thoughts and feelings (maybe?) and thus perhaps deserve some consideration. Case study: Warm Bodies.

    Nicholas Hoult stars as R, a zombie who saves Julie (Teresa Palmer) from an attack by much nastier zombies. Something in his cold, lifeless body is affected, and he begins to fall in love.

    Warm Bodies

    will screen at the Floyd tonight at 5:00 and 8:00.

    With the weekend comes screenings of

    Les Miserables

    , the classic musical based on the classic novel by Victor Hugo. Hugh Jackman stars as Jean Valjean, an ex-convict who escaped parole in an effort to make something worthwhile of his life. While pursued by the relentless Javert (Russell Crowe), he sets out to find and raise Cosette (Isabelle Allen, Amanda Seyfried), the daughter of a former factory worker (Anne Hathaway) whose life has turned to ruin.

    Les Miserables

    will screen Friday and Saturday at 5:00 and 8:00.

    The Floyd Theater is located on the third floor of the Student Activities Center on the U of L campus. Admission is $1.50 for students and $3 for the general public. Further information can be found at the SAB Film Committee Facebook page.

    Image: Internet Movie Database

    Allan Day's picture

    About Allan Day

    There are legitimate theories that the Big Bang originated from the collapse of a black hole in a fourth-dimensional universe. This stuff fascinates me, and I love reading about it. I love reading about science. And about anything, for that matter, provided it's interesting - and everything is potentially interesting, so I'm fascinated by a lot of things. I also read a lot of fiction (Kurt Vonnegut deserves deification) and watch a lot of movies (Charlie Chaplin also deserves deification). I've made a few short films myself. I'm also a writer of everything - I'm close to a Bachelor's in English at IUS. My life consists of reading, writing, bartending, and taking care of my daughter full-time. Life is busy and life is stressful, but that's why there's music and art and other forms of relaxation.

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