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    The Floyd Theater presents 'Beasts of the Southern Wild' and 'End of Watch'
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    Can you feel it? It's the best time of the year. Look outside: the trees are a sunburst of leafy goodness. It's beautiful. Nothing better than to grab some friends, go to the park, and jump in huge piles of leaves as if you were eight years old again. Sometimes I think about how I need to figure out a way to go back to school, but for now, I see my friends overloaded with homework and unable to enjoy these fantastic days. They aren't even free in the evenings to take advantage of one of the University of Louisville's great resources: the Floyd Theater, bringing cheap cinema to the students (and others) every week.

    This week: tonight (Thursday): Beasts of the Southern Wild

    , a magical realist film which, from all accounts (except one girl I know), is incredibly moving and not to be missed. (I, unfortunately, missed it, and will have to miss it tonight as well.) Youngster Quvenzhane Wallis stars as Hushpuppy, a girl living in the bayou community known as the Bathtub. Her father is volatile and temperamental, ice-caps are melting and flooding the Bathtub, and giant warthogs are on the loose. From all this emerges a message of courage and love, according to IMDB.

    Beasts of the Southern Wild

    plays at 5:00 and 8:00.

    For the weekend, Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Peña star as Brian Taylor and Mike Zavala, respectively, in

    End of Watch

    , a cop drama from David Ayer, the writer of

    Training Day


    The Fast and the Furious

    . Taylor and Zavala are police partners who uncover some seriously blinged-out contraband during a routine traffic stop. In doing so, they pissed off the wrong people, and now those people are gunning for them.

    End of Watch

    plays Friday and Saturday at 5:00 and 8:00.

    The Floyd Theater is located on the third floor of the Student Activities Center on the U of L campus (look for the clock tower). Admission is $1.50 for students and $3.00 for the general public. Further information can be found at the SAB Film Committee Facebook page.

    Image: Internet Movie Database

    Allan Day's picture

    About Allan Day

    There are legitimate theories that the Big Bang originated from the collapse of a black hole in a fourth-dimensional universe. This stuff fascinates me, and I love reading about it. I love reading about science. And about anything, for that matter, provided it's interesting - and everything is potentially interesting, so I'm fascinated by a lot of things. I also read a lot of fiction (Kurt Vonnegut deserves deification) and watch a lot of movies (Charlie Chaplin also deserves deification). I've made a few short films myself. I'm also a writer of everything - I'm close to a Bachelor's in English at IUS. My life consists of reading, writing, bartending, and taking care of my daughter full-time. Life is busy and life is stressful, but that's why there's music and art and other forms of relaxation.

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