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    Eat & Swig

    Three types of Sadistic Mistress Hot Sauce
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    I had planned on making it to the Farmington Harvest Festival today, but didn't arrive until the last hour of the event, unfortunately. My girlfriend and I wandered around trying to find anyone left who still had an open booth and though most people had packed up, or were in the process thereof, there was a booth that was still open we were quite pleased to find – the Sadistic Mistress Sauces booth.

    The first thing that pulled me in was the painter's palette of sauces they had out for sample – I immediately gravitate towards open food with chips near it and a sign that says “free.” Especially one that features hot sauce. We tried a huge variety of sauces, and settled on buying three bottles, which were quite reasonably priced at $7 a piece.

    Let me tell you, when Rikki Jamalia says she makes hot sauce, she makes HOT SAUCE. This stuff doesn't come in mild, but despite searing several layers of old taste buds off my tongue there was so much flavor in these sauces that I might be stuck ordering from her Etsy shop for the foreseeable future.

    Clocking in at 5/10 peppers (her rating) is East African Rift. This is quite possibly my favorite sauce I tasted – if you like Ethiopian cuisine you'll recognize the tastes of this sauce immediately. Berbere spices and a nice dash of heat make this sauce an amazing addition to, in my opinion, most everything I can think of. They suggest adding it to chilis and BBQ.

    At 8/10 peppers, there's Take It Like a Man. This is a yellow sauce steeped in flavor of apricot and mustard. Don't think this is an easy sauce – it's chock full of Habanero and packs a punch. She suggests blending it with sour cream to make a spread, which sounds absolutely amazing.

    I couldn't go higher than 9/10 peppers myself. The Damsel of Distress is one dangerous hot sauce, but my god is it good. Thick, pasty, mirepoix-based and full of Caribbean spices – all I can say is wow. I think this will go well with anything.

    You can find Sadistic Mistress sauces on Facebook and Etsy. They're working on their own website that's due out soon. Do yourself a favor and get some Kentucky-made hot sauce that's some of the best I've ever had!

    Brandon Vigliarolo's picture

    About Brandon Vigliarolo

    Brandon is a Michigan transplant, and has been working as a freelance writer since he arrived. He lives with his Girlfriend Hannah, Pico and Marionette the cats, and Marley the awkward greyhound.

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