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    I'll set the record straight. Yes, I go to Bellarmine. Yes, I still cheer for UofL as I have done my whole life. I've sure there are a countless number of Knights that lean to the Cardinals at least on Saturday in the fall. 

    With that being said, I love going to football games. But the special thing about football games that is different than basketball games or any other game is tailgating. In essence tailgating is good food, good friends, and good times (and hopefully good weather). 

    In order to have a successful tailgate, here are some items you may or may not think of in order to have the best time before walking into Papa John's Cardinal Stadium:

    Some sort of roof: This could be the trunk of a car, a tent, or even an umbrella. This makes for a great shelter from possible weather elements, marks your territory (for your buddy that can't find you in the lot), and gives your party a central location for food and conversation.

    Football: Tailgating is the only place where you are allowed to act like the players on the field where you might look the slightest bit cool. 

    Queso: Wait, hear me out. It's perfect. You can use your hands and likely won't get messy. Anyone from the terrific chef to Aunt Betty who tries to cook but everyone is afraid to tell her she just doesn't have what it takes can make queso. It can be easy or you can literally or metaphorically spice it up. It's also quick to make. You can tell your lazy friend to just pick up chips on the way. 

    Dress accordingly: If it's a blackout, for heaven's sake, wear black. If it's going to rain, DO NOT WEAR COTTON (that's capitalized due to some wild times I had when I made this mistake). Do you need a heater? A toboggan? A tank top? Football goes through every kind of weather so don't just walk out the door with what you have on. 

    Cornhole: It's fun for all ages and skills levels. You can still hold your drink when you play. It's basically an avenue for conversation. Cornhole for hours. 

    Music: Whether it comes from your car stereo, a boombox, or your iPod, bring some tunes. We all love each other and love to talk, but there is going to be silence. Fill it with music. This item comes with some warnings. Be careful of the snobs, country boys, dancing moms, or drunks willing to make you regret bringing anything at all. Watch the volume. 

    Comfortable shoes: Your heels are cute ladies. Guys, your boots make you badass. We get it. But if you are walking from Old Cardinal Stadium or beyond to your seat in the sky and you want to do it without complaining, how about comfortable shoes? It's for your own good. 

    Park Near a Bathroom: Need I go on?

    You guys, tailgating is awesome for those that are out there for 8 hours or 1 hour. Don't forget these tips and everything will go smoothly. 

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    About Will Ford

    Covering Louisville music like it's the 6 o' clock news. I've covered Forecastle, Louder Than Life, Moontower, Starry Nights, and Louisville music news for 3 years. Follow me @parasiticnoise

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