The Odyssey, as told by Dr. Seuss, is set to take over the Walden Theatre stage and its summer academies this weekend and others.
The Seuss-Odyssey will take place on June 29, 30, July 13, 14, 27, 28, Aug. 3, and 4 at 7:30 p.m. each night. Shows on June 30, 14, 28, and Aug. 4 will also have a 2 p.m. matinee. Performances are to happen at Walden Theatre, located at 1123 Payne Street in the Highlands.
Tickets for the shows can be reserved by calling Walden Theatre at 502-589-0084. More information on the show can be found at the Walden Theatre website.
The Seuss-Odyssey is a cross between the classic Homer epic poem Odyssey and the style of Dr. Seuss. Odysseus takes his companions through battles with Cyclops, the sorceress Circe, and other battles alongside the serving up of green eggs. The performances are part of Walden Theatre's summer academy programs.
More information on Walden Theatre's upcoming season and classes can be found in this article.
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(Image from Walden Theatre)