If celebrities and panels just aren’t enough, Fandom Fest has an excellent line-up of special events and parties August 1st-3rd. My five favorites are listed below!
5. FANS-tastic Parade
A kick off to the convention, Thursday night’s parade should definitely make for a good time. Come in costume, enter a float, or just sit back and watch! The parade will start at the Belvedere and end at the Galt House. There will even be snacks! This is an absolutely free event, so, even if you can’t make the con, come help it start off on the right foot!
4. Masquerade Ball
On Friday Night, an elegant and regal masquerade ball will be held. There is a dress code, so be sure to check the website before you go!
3. Rave Glow and Rave Afterglow
If elegant and regal isn’t your cup of tea, perhaps you’d enjoy a colorful rave? Friday’s Rave Glow is an all ages event while Saturday’s Rave Afterglow is for adults only. Grab a neon shirt and a couple glow sticks and you’ll be set. Just don’t forget your dance moves!
2. Georgetown Drive In
A special event will be held at the Georgetown Drive In on Saturday night. The latest Transformers movie, Age of Extinction, will be playing, and you even can meet one of the voice actors! Mark Ryan, who voices Lockdown, will be at the drive in taking pictures and signing autographs. Plus, the Bumblebee Car will be available for pictures!
1. VIP Party
If you have a VIP ticket, you definitely don’t want to miss this. Apparently, some of your favorite celebrities will be popping in to mingle and chat with the fans. Here’s one huge advantage to buying VIP!
Which special events will you be attending? Check back with Louisville.com for more lists, and, for more information about Fandom Fest, visit their website!
Cover image courtesy shutterstock.com/CataVic