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    Bit to Do

    Dance: Salsa Night at YUM Center Plaza
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    This Sunday night brings the final event in the YUM Summer Series on the Plaza, and it’ll be a big party. Sunday, August 17, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., the plaza turns into a salsa dance floor.

    Local Latin band Cosa Seria will provide the music and keep everyone’s energy up. If you’ve been to any salsa dances in Louisville, you’ve likely crossed paths with them – they are hard-working and fabulous.

    You don’t need to know how to salsa. You don’t even need to know how to dance at all. And you don’t need to bring a dance partner. Dance instructor Gabe Scott will be teaching everyone salsa steps and some extra salsa flair.

    Food trucks will be parked onsite to keep you fueled.

    The event is free and open to the public. Organized by the Louisville Downtown Partnership and the KFC YUM Center, this Salsa Night is part of the LDP’s efforts to improve the economy of the downtown Louisville area.

    Photo: Shutterstock Copyright: ARENA Creative

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    About Kachina Shaw

    A transplanted Hawkeye, I've now lived in Louisville longer than any other city. Can't live without: my husband and fur babies, coal-black coffee, peanut M&Ms, sunflowers, monthly vacations, books, walking paths, massage and a big purse.

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