Now entering its second year, the Cavalcade of Comics will take place on Saturday, November 21, at the Ramada Plaza Louisville in the Triple Crown Pavilion (9700 Bluegrass Parkway, Louisville, KY). Tickets are $5, but children under 12 get in free.
This event that is a celebration of regional art creators with a retail and shopping focus. The Cavalcade of Comics will feature 21,800 square feet of comic creators, jewelers, crafts people, artists and artisans. The show also serves as a holiday shopping experience leading up to the nationwide retail shopping event Black Friday. Show director John Wilson says "We want to give people a unique shopping experience. To that end, we are pulling for the hashtag #geekblackfriday (even though the event is on a Saturday) to show people that there is a chance to get a number of unique gifts with us and avoid the craziness of actual Black Friday. We’re inviting fans to come get their geek on and shop local for the holidays!"