Snow days for children (and let's be honest, teenagers and young adults, too) mean everything. Going to sleep checking your weather application and crossing your fingers that school will be canceled to wake up to your parents, friends, or the email notification telling you that school has been canceled is comparable to Christmas morning. What makes a snow day that much better you ask? Sledding, of course.
For many local children, sledding is the paramount activity of the winter season. Each winter season, Metro Parks opens their pre-selected five sledding hills whenever there is significant snow accumulation like today. Park workers will update the open or closed status of the sledding hills and they are staff members available with first aid kits to ensure the safety of your sledding experience. These are the best and safest places to sled for all ages.
Here are five designated sledding hills:
Cherokee Park (Baringer Hill, intersection of Alexander Road and Scenic Loop)
George Rogers Clark Park (1024 Thruston Avenue, behind playground, near McKinley Avenue)
Joe Creason Park (1297 Trevilian Way, behind Metro Parks administration building)
McNeely Lake Park (6900 Cooper Chapel Road, near Korean War Memorial)
Tyler Park (1501 Castlewood Avenue, on Tyler Park Drive side of park)
Go to’s website for their winter sledding at Metro Parks section which includes the locations, safety tips, and sledding rules. Check out these sledding destinations for your enjoyment and safety. Happy sledding!