There’s a lot of history in steam boats and bourbon. Both are defining pieces of our culture here in Louisville. Without the river, Louisville wouldn’t be here, and neither would bourbon.
Steam boats are not an uncommon sight here in Louisville, though passenger steam boats are. I remember driving through downtown a couple of years ago and seeing The American Queen docked at our port. I had heard of passenger steamboat cruises but I had never seen a steamboat complete with a paddle wheel that was three or four times the size of our hometown hero, The Belle of Louisville.
Now The American Queen is planning a voyage that caters to bourbon lovers. According to the website, this tour is called, “THE INSIDER’S BOURBON TRAIL - Enjoy extensive tours along Kentucky ’s Bourbon Trail, a region of rolling bluegrass hills roughly within a triangle from Lexington to Louisville to Bardstown, where 95% of the world’s bourbon is made. Whether you are a bourbon connoisseur or don’t drink a drop, you’ll enjoy the rich history and craftsmanship revealed on this enlightening cruise.”
The 9 day tour starts in St. Louis and visits Alton, IL, Cape Girardeau, MO, Paducah, KY, Henderson, KY, Louisville, KY, Madison, IN, and ends in Cincinnati, OH. There are multiple options for sightseeing at each destination. In addition, Kentucky Bourbon Festival Hall Of Fame Bourbon Historian Michael Veach will be on board to present an historical lecture and bourbon tasting.
If you’ve ever wanted to experience a different type of vacation than anything else you’ve ever done and you’re looking for something with a bourbon theme, a riverboat cruise will definitely fit that bill.
Photos Courtesy of the American Queen