“The Asylum of Satan” is perhaps the best worst thing we’ve ever seen.
“With digital, the camera is just a pretty expensive Xerox machine.”
The UofL French Film Festival has been encouraging community conversation and cultural exploration for eight years.
Craig Everett Earl worked with many Louisville cast and crew to make "Intrusion," which has found distribution and will screen at Village 8 Theaters.
Kentucky filmmaker John Coulter screened "The Old Winter" at Village 8 Theaters.
Jennifer Lawrence announces in New York Times interview that she will be collaborating on a script and starring with Amy Schumer in an upcoming film.
"Tracking Fire" chronicles the worst mass killing in LGBT history and needs post-production funds to finish.
Improved government incentives and and abundance of local talented film professionals could be Louisville's golden ticket.
The winners of the Louisville 48 Hour Film Project will be announced at the "Best of" screening at Village 8 Theaters Thursday August 6.
Local Actress Sebrina Scott has won awards for multiple roles, but she is very excited about upcoming villain role and screening of "The Rangers" at Fandom Fest.
Les Claypool is to Sticky-Sweet, Dripping Funk Bass as Willy Wonka is to Anit-Gravity, Golden UFO Elevators
Attend panels, view films, meet local filmmakers and enjoy their work.
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