If you haven't had the white russian from The Back Door, it's time. Pairs beautifully with a cheeseburger.
How do the ingredients for a successful restaurant differ between Jeffersontown and Downtown Louisville?
Cheese so hard.
In the time it takes you to read this, Fernando Martinez will probably open another restaurant.
Another Martinez restaurant is coming to Louisville!
You have one more night to experience the New Cuban Food Revolution at Cena. Don’t miss it.
Two legendary Cuban chefs are coming to town, and you can reserve your spot to taste their genius today!
If you're on a budget, their early-bird option might be for you!
Okay, it's seven courses and five fishes. But who's counting?
Cena means the same thing in Spanish and Italian: dinner.
I traveled to Cuba in 1998 and, at the tables of several families there, tasted food I still savor: pork marinated in fresh orange juice, cumin and garlic; a simple breakfast of crispy Cuban bread and newly laid eggs purloined from hens cooped outside kitchen windows. Those memories made me wonder whether Marcos Lorenzo and Fernando Martinez would succeed when they opened their Cuban restaurant, Havana Rumba, in St. Matthews in 2004.