KFC introduces new, edible finger nail polish that could represent the end of civilization as we know it.
Imprisoned for two decades in Chinese prison camps for his political viewpoints, Harry Wu now has a story and a message to share in the fight for human rights. Join him in conjunction with UofL for a special lecture tomorrow, Wednesday, January 23rd at 7pm.
The writer and journalist discusses China’s plans for aeronautics in his latest book ‘China Airborne’. Join him at the Louisville Free Public Library’s Main branch tomorrow evening, Wednesday, May 23rd, at 7pm.
East meets West in free musical performance Wednesday
Blonde hair, blue eyes Miss World, Alexandria Mills returns to the great city of Louisville. Mayor Jerry Abramson welcomed back, reigning Miss World, and honored her with the Distinguished Citizen Award. View the video of her being honored, her modeling video, and additional pictures.
Recent high school grad wows 'em in China at event's 60th annual pageant.
Chinese city's growth--not Fourth Street Live!--is a real accomplishment
Knowledge of city needs to be converted to visits to it though