It's that time of year again... yes, time to ask yourself why Flavor Flav wears that clock strapped around his neck. Well, not so much, but what if I told you it's for Flavor Flav to remind you to Spring your clocks forward and Fall your clocks back an hour each year? Yeah, I wouldn't believe me either.
An easy way to remember to turn your clocks (backwards or forwards) for DST (Daylight Savings Time) is to use this catchy cliche: "Spring" forward and "Fall" back. For 2010, and for those in Louisville, it's time to fall back an hour. The official date and time to Fall back is: Sunday, November 7, 2010, at 2:00 a.m. - you set the clocks back an hour (Fall back).
Falling behind on sleep? Well, falling back on time will help you gain an hour of sleep (you can buy me a brewski when you see me out for that tip). More importantly, why in the heck does Flavor Flav wear that clock? Well, there's varying answers. You take your best pick and run with it:
- via AnswerBag.com - Because he's an IDIOT !!!!!!!
- via KnowsWhy.com - ... it actually stands for his telling people what time it is in rappers terms.
- via Yahoo Answers - he said it is symbolic for the most precious thing in his life, time. time is very important to him. that's why he wear a time piece next to his heart..he values his time very much.
Today's Tech Deal: Walmart announced its Amazing Electronics Event, which will run from Saturday, November 6 to Sunday, November 7. Most deals will be available online, although a few are in-store only. Get a $50 iTunes gift card for $35 in-store only in Louisville. Call the store before hand when the sale starts to confirm!
Photo: Wikipedia/Wikipedia Pictures