One locals’ favorite learned the hard way not to get between the University of Kentucky-University of Louisville rivalry. Yesterday Zanzabar (2100 S. Preston St.) posted a Facebook status beginning, “Louisville fans only for the game on sat (sic)…” Perhaps sensing some might be upset, it quickly followed that by saying the decision wasn’t meant to piss off any UK fans.
But piss off UK fans it did.
The since-deleted status garnered more than 100 responses in the course of six hours. People bickered back and forth about discrimination. Happy UofL fans virtually fist-pumped and suggested nearby bars that should be deemed UK territory for Saturday’s epic showdown. Outraged UK fans cried discrimination, some even alluding to the Civil Rights movement. One called it “borderline illegal.” Less idiotic UK fans claimed they would stop frequenting the bar even beyond Saturday’s game.
Zanzabar retracted the policy a few hours later. They will be welcoming of all colors, creeds and college basketball preferences. “Our only concern is to keep everyone safe during the big game,” a new status reads. “We apologize for upsetting anyone. We made a mistake.”
After seeing the Internet outrage, as well as reading about that brawl at a dialysis machine, I’m not so sure Zbar did, but here’s hoping fans on both sides stay civil and avoid serious altercations this weekend.
Me? I may watch from the controversy-free comfort of my living room. As instructed by friends before I moved here, I have made the mandatory decision between the two. I root for UofL because of their campus’ proximity to my house and the fact their school colors are closer to my alma mater’s than UK's are. (I went to UNLV.) Still, I can’t find myself as excited as I should be.
You can’t blame me. I’m new.
Illustration: Sara Lewis