Well, Valentine's Day can either be the best day of the year, or the worst, depending on your relationship status. Whether you're obnoxiously in love like Kim and Kanye or single and ready for this retched day to be over, our lovely city provides you with plans to accommodate every ones mood!
For all the crazy love birds out there, hopefully you are getting showered with lots of candy and flowers from some of our local fabulous flower shops (I'm still a tad bit bitter my favorite one, Edith V. Walker's closed). Hopefully you have some amazing plans to go to a nice dinner then off to a movie (classic) or, whatever people who go out on dates for Valentine's day go.
Maybe you and your sweetie both enjoy UL basketball so much that you are attending tonights game for a little "Love and Basketball".
Or if you absolutely loathe this day and are counting down the hours until it's over, head to Howl at the Moon on 4th Street, they're having a "Love Sux" party. Drown your single sorrows with a 86 oz "Bad Romance" bucket! They have a special playlist that will be playing tonight that is guaranteed to make you feel better.
No matter how you feel about this day, you can always head to Qdoba tonight, smooch the person in front or behind you, and receive a free entree, everyone wins!