It’s finally April and that brings the beauty of spring and warmer weather for the Trolley Hop tonight in downtown Louisville. Last month, for First Friday, everything shut down unexpectedly as a tornado was spotted within miles of Louisville. So, consider April’s First Friday Trolley Hop a do-over from last month. Here are a few events/gallery openings that you’ll want to stop by and see.
Tornadoless Trolley Hop, April 6th, 5-11pm, Downtown Louisville
-21c Museum, Alter Ego docent tour with guest artist Gaela Erwin, 6-7pm. Alter Ego: A Decade of Work by Anthony Goicolea is a multi-media exhibition including black-and-white and color photography, sculpture and video installations, and multi-layered drawings on Mylar. Goicolea is a first-generation Cuban American artist now living and working in Brooklyn, New York. These works explore his search for roots and family heritage as a displaced Cuban American who can’t fully identify with either culture. This exhibit is remarkable in size and meaning.
Guest artist Gaela Erwin is a perceptual painter from Louisville, KY who uses the self-portrait as a way to communicate the intricacies of mortality.
Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing II, Anthony Goicolea
-KMAC, Sheena Rose draws Louisville. Visiting artist Sheena Rose from Barbados, who is a part of their current exhibit Into the Mix, is recreating her impression of Louisville. Rose is known for her drawn animations. This is good for Louisville.
Sheena Rose's Louisville
-Cressman Center, MFA Thesis Exhibit. Two MA graduate candidates for University of Louisville’s Spring 2012 term are being featured. The Adytum by Lexi Bass and Dame, Doilies & Divorce by Tenille Novinger.
-Zephyr Gallery. Works by Deborah Thomas and Sharon Weis.
-Firehouse Gallery. Drawing Together, an artists’ breakfast drawing show by a slew of local artists.
-Whiskey Row Lofts. The Kentucky School of Art brings two artist talks to the Lofts. Photographer Henry Horenstein will begin at 5pm, followed by a reception for Explorations by Laurie Fader at 6pm.
photos: Julie Gross via Instagram