What a weekend for Louisville: balloons glowed, a giant marathon snaked through the city, and beers were served from Schnitzelburg to the Chow Wagon in celebration of one day without rain (or not, Louisville just likes a good party this time of year). With so many options, it was difficult to narrow down the fun this past sunny Saturday, but my family opted for the 40th annual Cherokee Triangle Art Fair (followed by the Schnitzelburg Walk, but that's a whole other story).
We have frequented this event each year for a while now, but I think this year was magically memorable. Perhaps it was Derby fever, perhaps it was the parting of the storm clouds, perhaps it was the refreshing Harps that filled the Triangle-logo cup, but the energy yesterday at the fair was beautiful. And there's still time to soak it up today--the fair goes strong until 6:00 p.m. this Sunday, May 1st.
Over 200 artists ranging from soap makers to recycled silverware wind-chime creators shared their crafts at the fair this year. Beautiful jewelry, paintings, and pottery from Louisville's own filled the tree-lined streets as well as a number of earth-friendly products this year (urban composting tumblers, pretty cool). The plant booth, as always, was a big hit and the live, mobile glass-blowing skills of "Juicy Lucy, the Blowin' Hot Rod" was entertainment in itself.
Saturday's fair was particularly agreeable for families because of the wonderful assortment of entertainment, though. Kids could make hats, play music in the Heartland booth, create sand art, gorge themselves on Kizito cookies and Graeter's ice-cream, and dance to the salsa music of Cosa Seria. Although quite a few dancers were no stranger to the ballroom floor, the band was a perfect addition to the afternoon. Kids were shaking their hips and spinning around, shedding layers of clothes as the songs heated up.
For adults, there was bourbon tasting, mimosas, an assortment of beers, and oh yeah, the art. A fun time was had by all--I didn't see a frown all day. Hopefully you had a chance to partake in the merriment yesterday, but if not, I'm sure many good times await yoin this wonderful week of Derby. You've gotta love this town.
photo: Cherokeetriangle.org